At Hadrian Primary School we welcome all new children and their families into the Hadrian Family and for most this journey starts in the EYFS. We strive to make learning interesting, engaging and fun and welcome all children as a unique person with their own individual talents, gifts and skills. We want to help them to discover those talents, gifts and skills so that they can become confident, happy children who love learning.
We have an amazing EYFS Department and our outdoor areas provide a fantastic space for our children to learn, play and explore.
Our Nursery offers both part time and full time places.
For support with 30 hours funding applications please contact our admin team on: or phone: 0191 455 4514 where Mrs Amar will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
You can also take a look at our admissions section under School Information on the website for further information and advice.
We also invite you into school to collect a Early Years Prospectus, which will tell you more about what we offer. You can also visit the Class Pages for Nursery and Reception classes.
You are more than welcome to come and visit us and meet our wonderful staff and children on a school tour. Please ring to book an appointment.
Curriculum Intent
At Hadrian Primary School we recognise that the Early Years is the first step into school life and it is here where we must get it right in order to promote a love of lifelong learning. From our Nursery children though to Year 6 we believe and promote:
Be Unique;
Believe, Achieve, Succeed Together
At Hadrian we aim to provide a curriculum that promotes children to be independent, confident and resilient and allows all children to flourish and progress from their starting points regardless of background, circumstances or needs. By designing a curriculum that takes into account children’s interests, we hope to inspire all of our children to enjoy learning and to reach their full potential.
We are incredibly lucky to have a rich array of cultures, languages and backgrounds here at Hadrian which allows our children to be sensitive to the fact we are all unique and different which is something to be proud of. Our curriculum ensures we cover a wide range of festivals and celebrations to allow our children to compare similarities and differences and provide hands on learning experiences and links within our local community.
To ensure all of our children make outstanding progress, we take into consideration each child’s unique starting points and meet children’s individual needs through our planning to ensure the correct support is given and any gaps within learning are addressed. We pride ourselves on our early intervention and strong links with outside services to ensure all children are receiving the correct support.
To ensure all of our children make progress, the most important thing is that our children are safe, secure and most of all happy in Nursery and Reception. All of our practice is guided by the four overarching principles of the EYFS:
At Hadrian, we get to know our children and our families well. We understand our children are all different and learn at different rates. We therefore work with individual children through their interests and play to work on individual next steps to ensure we move their learning forward. We know that before learning can take place our children have to feel secure and confident. We use the Leuven Scales of well-being and involvement to ensure our children are settled before moving forward with their academic learning.
By getting to know our children’s interests, likes and dislikes, we work hard to ensure secure relationships between children and staff. We also appreciate and know that parents are the child’s first educator and know the most about their child. We hope to work closely with parents to work in a 2 way partnership between home and school. We try to involve parents through workshops, events, keep them up to date via parents evenings and have an open door policy to provide excellent communication on a day to day basis.
We are constantly evaluating and adapting out learning environments to fit with children’s interests and to build upon skills. We have recently changed our environments to a neutral and natural inspired look as we have found this creates a more focussed and purposeful environment for our children. We aim to use lots of open ended resources to develop curiosity, imagination and language and vocabulary. Our environments are owned by the children and we encourage independence to access resources and use them how they wish.
We use a range of adult led and child initiated learning opportunities to follow the needs and interests of the children. We know our children really well and understand their barriers to learning and next steps to ensure progression for all.
The curriculum provides a play-based learning environment, where our skilled practitioners carefully scaffold learning during child initiated tasks, combined with focussed teaching and basic skill group time. We know that children do not learn in a linear way and there are many strands to our young children’s learning and ensure that our teaching is carefully sequenced to develop progress.
The children in both Nursery and Reception are provided with vast opportunities to explore both indoor and outdoor provision. They engage in planned, focussed activities as well as self-initiated and free flow activities. The learning experiences within our Early Years are linked to the seven areas of learning and development within the EYFS. These areas are split into three prime areas and four specific areas. The three prime areas are those which the children should develop first and are considered most essential for the healthy development of our children.
These include:
Prime areas:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal, Social and Emotional development.
Specific areas:
Understanding of the world
Expressive arts and design.
We hope through our broad and balanced curriculum our children learn to believe in themselves and be proud of their local community. They understand the importance of their actions and the part they play in the diverse wider world. Through a strong self-belief leading to a positive physical and mental well-being our children are equipped to take risks and overcome any challenges they may face. Children will leave Early Years as compassionate individuals with a developing understanding that everyone should be valued and respected. We hope memorable learning experiences allow our children to retain knowledge, apply skills and develop links in their understanding and to achieve to the best of their ability. In turn, children leave Early Years with a developing independence and confidence, ready and excited to continue their learning journey in Year 1.