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  • School Parliament

    Summer term dates for your diary

    Friday 26th of April , 17th of May , 28th of June and Friday the 12th of July - Foodie Friday. Children will be asked to bring in a tin and can wear non uniform. All food items collected will go in our food bank.

    Friday 23rd May - Book sale.

    Friday 14th June - Break the Rules Day.

    Friday the 12th July - Wear it Pink Day . Children are welcome to come into school wearing something pink to raise awareness of Breast Cancer.. Children will not need to come into school with any money but Hadrian Primary will set up a Just giving link for any parent or carer who would  like to donate. 

    Monday 15th July - Sponsored run . Children will be asked to come into school in their PE kits and will participate in our annual sponsored run around the school field . All funds will go towards new science equipment , new outdoor equipment and new resources for our role play areas. Children will be provided with a snack and a drink after they have completed their run.

    Meeting Friday 3rd of May 2024.

    Mrs Buzzard and School Parliament got together to discuss our next fundraiser , the sale of pre-loved reading books. We decided we would ask children to come into school on Friday the 10th of May in non uniform and if they could, donate a book to our sale . The book sale was very successful and we managed to raise over £121 towards buying new books for our library.

    Our book sale was a great success!

    Our Break the Rules Day was such a great day! Staff and children had so much fun! We managed to raise £420! This will go towards our Summer Spectacular Show.

    School Parliament are always involved in making sure our school food bank is stocked up and always help Mrs Buzzard prepare any food parcels that have been requested by parents and carers . Food parcels will always remain confidential.

    School Parliament are always helping with keeping uniform donations in order.

    Any parent or carers are more than welcome to ask for any pre-loved school uniform, if needed . Please email : Any emails requesting donations will be kept confidential.