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  • Class 8 - Miss King/Mrs Gracie

    Welcome to Class 8 (Year 3/4)


    Welcome to our class page!

    Here you will find lots of information about our class and things to remember. You will also be able to find out about what we have been doing in lessons.

    Don't forget that we also have our amazing Google Classroom Page too where there will be lots of updates and work will be set there.


    Things to remember

    • Please remember to check that you have the correct uniform  -  if you are unsure then you can find the information on our website. 
    • Please bring in your P.E. kit every Monday - this can be taken home at the end of the week - we will have PE on a Tuesday
    • Don't forget your reading book needs to be in school every day and you should read at home every night.
    • Homework MUST be completed on time!
      • You can email Miss King or Mrs Gracie from your Google accounts if you have any   questions or concerns, or send a message on Google Classroom.



    Maths Homework is set every Thursday, on MyMaths, and is due the following Thursday morning. If you do not have access to an iPad, laptop or device for your homework, please speak to Miss King or Mrs Gracie before Thursday and they will help you. If you are struggling with your homework, Miss King or Mrs Gracie will be available some lunchtimes to go over this with you so please do not worry! 

    You will have homework books, but most of your work will be set online on our Google Classroom. Please make sure that it is handed in on time. You will be given spellings to learn each week, as well as some SPaG and sometimes a writing task. Handwriting should be completed in your homework books. 



    Reading is a very important skill and Year 3/4 is no different to any other year. You will be expected to have a reading book in school every day. This book should go home and someone at home should try and read with you at least once per week - this should be recorded on Boom Reader.  Your reading book should be returned to the classroom each morning and taken home again each evening. You will also be expected to access Reading Plus at home and you will have a target to meet each week. 



    Don't worry!

    Year 3/4 may seem a really scary year, but it can be the best year yet! 

    You will need to work hard, and we have a lot of catching up to do, but we will also have so much fun. There are so many brilliant things which happen in Year 3/4. If you are ever worried, please go and talk to Miss King or Mrs Gracie - they are always there to help and support you!