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Lisa Smith

56 Lawe Road
South Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE33 2AL

Home Telephone number
0191 4569476

Work Telephone number

Mobile Telephone number

Email address

Type of Governor

Owner/Manager of fruit to suit

Children at / previously at school
Rebecca Smith - Yr 4
Rachael Smith - Yr 1

Term of Office
31 December 2013

Date of appointment
01 January 2010

Member of which committees
Pay Review
Performance Management

Role and responsibilities
Link governor for:
Modern Foreign Languages
Staff CPD
Healthy School

Areas of interest
Due to the nature of my business I am extremely interested in enterprise education and healthy eating in schools. I am also a qualified management accountant so take great interest in the financial aspects of the role.

Training courses attended

Future training needs required

Induction support and training received
The Governing Body is a mutually supportive group of people that I feel privileged to be a part of. I also attended a local authority ran induction course on the role of the governor which was very useful.