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Welcome to Hadrian Primary School! 

Here at Hadrian Primary we pride ourselves on providing a warm and welcoming beginning to the journey of lifelong learning. We are very proud of our school, our children and their success. We believe that Hadrian is a very special place where children enjoy their education and make excellent progress. Hadrian is a vibrant, happy and creative school that ensures children grow into confident, articulate and talented individuals.

Our school location is one of geographical, cultural and historical significance. We are lucky to be close to the River Tyne, the magnificent coastline and beautifully restored Marine Parks. Arbeia – the Roman Fort opposite our school is a site of historical interest dating back to the time of Emperor Hadrian from whom the school takes its name.

Message From The Headteacher

Welcome to Hadrian Primary School,

I am proud and privileged to be the Headteacher of a vibrant, multi-cultural school where high aspirations are at the heart of everything that we do.

At Hadrian, we develop happy, confident and secure children in a nurturing, stimulating and creative environment. By the time our pupils leave us, we aim to to equip every child with the skills needed to make positive contributions to both the school and wider society.

We have a talented and dedicated team of staff who work hard to plan and provide an exciting, engaging curriculum where children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. Every child develops an understanding of our local community and the world as a whole, providing them with invaluable experiences to develop them as global citizens.

Standards are high. We have high expectations of all learners and provide intensive support allowing all children to make good progress. In addition to academic success, we are committed to identifying, developing and nurturing individual talents and aptitudes so all children can achieve their full potential. We strongly believe that the arts provide a wealth of opportunities and experiences that both enhance learning and develop skills and talents as well as self confidence and self esteem. The arts therefore, are an integral part of all that we do.

We believe parental support is crucial to the success of your child’s education and progress. We provide a range of opportunities for parents to engage with their child’s learning regularly and are present after school to discuss your child’s learning with you.

In summary, we have earned our excellent reputation and Outstanding status by investing in people and striving to provide the  environment for children to flourish.

If you would like to find out more I would be delighted to show you around so that you can see our school in action. Please contact the office to make an appointment – I look forward to seeing you.

Mr S Brown
Head Teacher

Hadrian Primary School 

Ofsted Report

Click on the link below to view our latest Ofsted report.

Hadrian Primary School 

DfE Compare School Performance Website

Please click the link below to view the DfE Compare School Performance Website.

Parent View

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