Friends of Hadrian.
Since January, Friends of Hadrian have continued to work hard to support the school. As well as our AGM in February, we have hosted 2 movie nights, both of which had 100 children in attendance, a charity night at Orangegrass for staff, parents and governors and our most popular event to date was held in May - Spice Night!
We provided refreshments at the termly Attendance Assemblies, Sports Day and the Nursery graduation as well as organising the stalls at the Mela.
We provided our dance clubs with £300 to buy costumes which were used at both the Dance Festival and the Summer Spectacular and also paid £600 towards the cost of organising the Mela which has a big impact on school funds.
We are always looking for more volunteers to support our activities so if you'd like to join us please see Lisa Smith, Emma Robe or Farzana Khan in the school yard or let Mrs Charlton know and she will pass on your details.